Enjoy Fast Teeth-Straightening Treatment With Propel®

August 24, 2015

Propel can get your teeth to straighten much more quickly than before.Teeth-straightening technology has come a long way over the last few decades. In the past, metal braces were the only choice for patients that wanted straight, beautiful smiles. Now, there is even better straightening treatment available in the form of clear aligners – Invisalign. This state-of-the-art treatment secretly shifts teeth into their proper positions in much less time than compared to metal braces. For those of you who have been “lucky” enough to wear braces, do you remember how painful your mouth could be at times? Invisalign does the same job only with less pain.

Now, there’s a product that’s specifically designed to make the straightening process much faster and easier than before. It’s called Propel®, and we use it at our office in Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Les Latner has used this specialized product to straighten teeth in much less time with pain-free results. The system uses your bone stimulation to ensure teeth movement is simple. If you have any misalignment issues that you want corrected, Propel® can help you zip through treatment. Dr. Latner is the cosmetic dentist Los Angeles residents can trust!

Dr. Les Latner, Sedation Dentist in Los Angeles

August 20, 2015

woman realaxed at the sedation dentist  Dr Les Latner Los AngelesI’ve worked on a lot of teeth over the past thirty-plus years.Yes, I’ve seen (literally) millions of them, and dealt with a number of oral problems. I’ve helped care for the mouths of everyone from linebackers on the UCLA Bruins football team to your neighborhood paper boy. In this process, I’ve learned that we all have a few things in common. We all feel the desire for healthy teeth and a beautiful smile. We also all share a fear of the dentist.

Don’t Let Cavities Ruin Your Smile – Zap Them With DIAGNOdent

July 21, 2015

DIAGNOdent can change your smile.Cavities can become a real big problem if they’re left to rot, literally. They can cause all sorts of issues that range from your basic toothache to sensitivity that will leave you reeling. At our office in Los Angeles, CA, we’re all about continuing education and staying on the cutting edge of dental technology. One such piece of technology is changing the way we look at cavities and how best to treat them. It’s called DIAGNOdent, and it’s revolutionized the industry like never before. In the past, diagnosing a cavity wasn’t difficult simply because symptoms were already visible. With this state-of-the-art machine, we can use the futuristic technology to diagnose cavities in their infancy. Think about that; we can actively treat cavities as they are forming so you don’t have to worry about losing a tooth or dealing with any type of root canal therapy. Are you ready to experience one of the most revolutionary machines to hit the market? It’s time you felt the DIAGNOdent difference!


Flossing Is One of the Most Beneficial Preventive Dentistry Techniques

Flossing should be a daily part of your life.We have our eye on you, floss floppers. You know who you are. You can’t hide from us! Did you honestly think that brushing alone could rid your mouth of all the bacteria that needs to go? We sure hope not. While brushing is a helpful tool and a necessity in keeping diseases and harmful bacteria at bay, it isn’t the end-all be-all of practices. Flossing is just as important, if not more when it comes to keeping your oral health in tip-top shape. We’ve heard tons of excuses on why patients aren’t flossing, and we always try explaining why flossing is so vital. Our office in Los Angeles, CA wants you to know that incorporating flossing into your daily dental hygiene regimen is the smart thing to do. All that food from the night before that didn’t make it into your stomach is sitting in between your teeth, just waiting for other bacteria to join so they can throw a party in your mouth. Squash the party and start treating your teeth like your best friends. Start flossing!

Gum Disease Therapy form the Dentist Los Angeles, CA Trusts

July 20, 2015

Woman suffering from toothache

Some leve of periodontal (gum) disease affects nearly 80% of adults over 30 in the United States. It has been called an epidemic by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet, many patients still aren’t aware of the number of people affected by this preventable disease. In order to prevent periodontal disease visit the Los Angeles, CA dental practice of Dr. Les Latner twice a year, brush twice a day, and floss at least once a day. If you are currently suffering from periodontal disease or believe you might be, call Westside Dental Associates to schedule an appointment today. Early treatment can help prevent more detrimental effects associated with gum disease including tooth sensitivity.

Gum Disease Causes & Symptoms

Our bodies are made up of numerous interconnected systems that work together to maintain health. Gum disease is caused by the buildup of bacteria beneath and around the gums. When sugary or starchy foods come in contact with the bacterial build up they become acidic. These acids are typically neutralized by basal nutrients from saliva, but when the amount of saliva produced is unable to neutralize the acids potential for tooth decay and gum disease increases.

When plaque and tartar build up below the gum line, the gums can become irritated or inflamed. This is a condition commonly referred to as gingivitis. When not treated by a dentist, gingivitis is difficult to get rid of because the buildup below the gums cannot be removed with regular brushing and flossing alone. Eventually, the buildup of tartar can lead to periodontitis the more serious form of gum disease. The irritation and inflammation of gingivitis develop into pockets of infection that can destroy the fibers and bone that connect your teeth to the gums. Eventually, infection can lead to the recession of gum tissue which exposes the roots of teeth to damaging plaque and other debris.

Gum Disease & Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is not always caused by gum disease, but periodontitis leads to tooth sensitivity for several reasons. Gum disease and the related infection expose your tooth enamel to bacteria that can cause damage, gum recession that exposes the roots of teeth which contain sensitive nerves, and the pockets of infection can cause your teeth to loosen and shift.

Teeth exposed to the bacterial infection associated with gum disease for an extended period of time are more likely to decay. Decaying teeth are sensitive to hot and cold, become painful or uncomfortable while chewing, and may begin to ache constantly. Gum recession occurs when periodontitis breaks down the fibers connecting teeth and gums. When this happens, gums often shift upwards exposing more of the roots of teeth. These roots contain the sensitive nerves and increased or prolonged exposure causes tooth sensitivity especially to heat and cold. Finally, the breakdown of fibers that connect teeth and gums and connect your teeth to your jawbone allow teeth to shift within the socket. This shifting can lead to tooth sensitivity and pain when chewing.

Call to Schedule a Checkup and Cleaning with Your Dentist, Los Angeles

At every six month checkup, you will receive a thorough oral health examination that includes a screening for periodontal disease. As many of the early indicators of gum disease go unnoticed by those suffering from the disease, regular checkups are essential to early treatment. Our hygienists will thoroughly clean your teeth and gums removing plaque, tartar and calculus that can lead to gum disease over time. With regular checkups and thorough at-home care, gum disease is almost entirely preventable. Call to schedule an appointment with Dr. Latner and the Westside Dental Associates team today.

Help Us Welcome Dr. Latner To The International Association of Healthcare Professionals

June 27, 2015

Les Latner has won a prestigious award.There’s some exciting news that we’d like to share with you. Dr. Les Latner has recently been named a New Member of the International Association of HealthCare Professionals. It’s a prestigious honor that has been bestowed on Los Angeles dentist, Dr. Latner. It’s taken him a very long time to achieve this goal and we couldn’t be more proud of him for the achievement. As one of Los Angeles’ premier cosmetic dentists, he knows what it takes to give you the smile of your dreams.

Your Los Angeles Pediatric Dentist – Dr. Les Latner

June 25, 2015

ThinkstockPhotos-178845072 (1)If you’ve ever asked a child to help you clean up, you may have noticed that they’re not so great at it. Teaching children how to care for their dental hygiene is not easy. At Westside Dental Associates, we emphasize regular checkups and teeth cleanings for our younger visitors, as well as providing oral hygiene education. In Los Angeles, Dr. Les Lanter is the dentist you can trust to care for the whole family. If you need pediatric, general, restorative, or cosmetic dentistry in Los Angeles, call to schedule an appointment today.

Dr. Latner Knows Children’s Teeth

Every smile is different, and our smiles change during throughout our lives. Caring for children’s teeth presents different obstacles than adult treatment. Dr. Latner completed a two year dental residency at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. While he has become a leader in esthetic dentistry and names general dentistry as his passion, there no denying his years of hand on training make him an ideal pediatric dentist as well.

Why Teeth Cleanings Matter

Because of his years of training and experience, Dr. Latner full understand the unique needs of children from the time their primary (baby) teeth begin to emerge, through loss of primary teeth, and development of permanent (adult) teeth. One of the best ways to help your child retain healthy primary teeth is to schedule regular dental hygiene visits every six months. We all know that children are still learning to be effective cleaners. You can’t count on them to do a better job cleaning their teeth than they do making their bed. A thorough cleaning by our outstanding hygienists, and a reminder about at home care tips is essential in build a child’s oral health.

Because primary teeth are weaker than permanent teeth, they are more susceptible to caries (cavities). At regular cleanings, the bacteria on your child’s tooth is thoroughly removed just like your own teeth cleaning. Additionally, primary teeth are checked thoroughly for signs of decay, or problem areas. Sealants and fluoride treatments can also be applied to offer your child additional protection.

Keeping primary teeth strong is more important than you might think. Baby teeth, like adult teeth, help your child to chew, but they are also important as children develop speech. Our teeth allow us to speak clearly. Children whose primary teeth do not develop well, are more likely to have impeded speech. Caring for primary teeth also lays the ground work for healthy adult teeth. If your child’s primary teeth and gums are healthy, they will prepare the way for healthier adult teeth.

Find Out More

If you’re interested in learning more about the outstanding family dentistry offered by Dr. Latner and the knowledgeable Westside Dental Associates team, our convenient “ask the doctor” tool allows you to gather information between visits. Call our Las Angeles practice to schedule an appointment. Westside Dental Associates welcomes patients from surrounding areas including Santa Monica, Marina Del Ray, Beverly Hills, Calabasas, and Burbank.

Expert Los Angeles Implant Dentist

June 24, 2015

ThinkstockPhotos-519555723If you’re missing one or more teeth, dental implant replacement might be your best smile restoration option. Unlike traditional crown and bridge or partial and full denture replacement, dental implants are permanent and the look and feel just like your natural teeth. At Westside Dental Associates, are staff is dedicated to providing you the most relaxing, comfortable dental treatment possible. From our warm, welcoming front desk staff and waiting are to headphones and blankets for your comfort during procedures, we are committed to providing outstanding oral health care. Our dental implant therapies are no exception. Dr. Les Latner is an experienced and knowledgeable implant dentist, and he can accurately determine whether you will be a successful candidate for implants and provide safe effective implant placement. If you are missing one or more teeth, don’t just replace them, restore them with dental implants from Westside Dental Associates your Los Angeles dental leader. Call to schedule an appointment today.

Importance of Tooth Replacement

As we grow, our teeth grow with us. When a tooth is lost due to trauma, decay or gum disease, replacement is essential to maintain the bite we formed as we grew. Left untreated, missing teeth can have numerous adverse effects. The empty socket allows the rest of your teeth to shift. Often referred to as dental drift, this movement in your teeth can undo years of orthodontic straightening, or damage smiles that were naturally straight and evenly spaced. The gap in your teeth can also change the shape of your face over time making it more difficult to speak clearly and effecting your appearance. All of this can is treatable through traditional tooth replacement methods.

One hidden side effect of tooth loss that can’t be remedied with traditional tooth replacement is loss of gum tissue and jawbone density. Your gum tissue is shaped by the root of your tooth. Without a root, the gum tissue deteriorates. Bones require stimulation to maintain their density. As we go through the motions of our daily lives, our bones are stimulated by motion as we walk, sit, stand, and exercise. The same is true of our jawbone. It is stimulated by the interaction with our teeth. Without that stimulation, much like the bone density loss found in people who are bed bound, our jawbone begins to breakdown. This loss of bone density can lead to painful chewing, swallowing and talking. Loss of density puts patients at greater risk for illnesses like TMJ and obstructive sleep apnea as your face and neck shape changes due to bone loss.

The Dental Implant Difference

Implants are unique because they replace not just the visibly parts of your teeth. Dental implants are inserted below the gum line to replace teeth from the roots up. The implant is made from durable titanium that mimics the way your root supports your teeth and gums and helps maintain gum tissue and bone density. This is especially important the more teeth you need to replace. If you need several teeth in a row or a full arch replaced, you will not receive an implant to replace every tooth, but the implants that support your bridge, partial or full denture support gum tissue and jawbone density happen frequently with traditional bridges, partials and dentures.

This unique tooth replacement option does require a large time commitment. You’ll need to have at least 3 office visits to examine, implant and replace your teeth. During your first visit, Dr. Latner will examine your bite to determine whether you are a good candidate for implants. If Dr. Latner and you decide this is a good option, you will develop a customized treatment plan to restore your smile. On the second visit, Dr. Latner will place the implants outlined in your treatment plan below your gum line, and affix temporary, plastic replacement teeth. After you receive your implants, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for the implants to full heal and fuse with your jawbone. This process called osseointegration is why dental implants help to retain gum tissue and bone density, and because your implant fuses with the jawbone, your replacement teeth are permanent. They function just like your natural teeth, and have very little or none of the slipping, cleaning, or replacement hassles of traditional dentures.

Once your dental implants have fused, they are ready to anchor your custom milled dental prosthetic. The replacement teeth are built to replicate your tooth’s natural shape and size. The porcelain material even retains the same inherent gleam that you may notice as light reflects off your smile. Your replacement teeth are permanently attached to the titanium implants, and with proper oral hygiene and regular dental examinations, dental implants will last a lifetime.

Schedule a Dental Implant Consultation

The innovative dental implant procedures are an effective method for restoring many smiles. However, some patients may not be healthy enough for the treatment, or may not have enough jawbone density to support an implant. There’s no way to know for sure except to visit our office for a dental implant consultation with Dr. Latner. Reap the benefits of Dr. Latner’s years of dental implant experience, and find out of implant replacement is right for you at West Side Dental Associates of Los Angeles. Still have some questions, use our “ask the doctor” tool to find out more information before your appointment.  Call to schedule your consultation today. Our conveniently located Los Angeles practice welcomes patients from Santa Monica, Marina Del Ray, Beverly Hills, Calabasas, Burbank and beyond.

Combat Gum Recession With State-of-the-Art Treatment

June 19, 2015

Enjoy a new kind of jaw surgery.If you or anyone you know has ever suffered from gum recession, you know just how debilitating this disease can be. In the past, the only way to correct this issue was by using connective tissue grafts. This complex procedure involved two surgical sites combined with a very long recovery period. The results were successful, but the pain and discomfort patients had to endure was too much to bear. Thank goodness for the 21st century and the great advancements that have been made. Now, there is treatment that can help you cope with gum recession — Pinhole Surgical Technique. What makes this system so great is it doesn’t use incisions or sutures. Simply put, it’s the finest gum surgery available at our office in Los Angeles, CA. Your gum line could use a little love, and Dr. Latner is the guy who can restore your gums back to normal.

Achieve the Flawless Smile of Your Dreams with Porcelain Veneers

April 28, 2015

476106489If a picture is supposedly worth a thousand words, how much is a smile worth? If you feel confident about the appearance of your teeth and enjoy sharing your smile with others, then it’s likely worth quite a bit. If your teeth are cosmetically flawed, however, you may prefer to keep your smile to yourself. At the cosmetic dentistry office of Dr. Les Latner in Los Angeles, CA, men and women seeking radiant, picture-perfect smiles are invited to explore the possibilities afforded by porcelain veneers.

Advantages of Custom Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin, beautifully crafted shells of dental porcelain that are bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth. They are capable of correcting a wide variety of cosmetic flaws simultaneously, transforming your smile in as few as two visits to our office. Due to their material composition, porcelain veneers look and feel completely natural, even reflecting light in the same way that tooth enamel does.

Porcelain veneers are used to create an even, symmetrical, and flawless look, masking one or more of the following imperfections:

  • Cracks or chips in enamel
  • Deep stains and discoloration
  • Uneven spacing or gaps
  • Mild to moderate crowding or misalignment
  • Teeth that are misshapen or too small in relation to surrounding teeth

Because porcelain naturally resists stains caused by dark foods and beverages, you’ll never have to worry about losing your revitalized new look.

Schedule Your Cosmetic Dentistry Consultation

If you’ve been looking for a way to add vitality to your smile and your overall appearance, porcelain veneers might be the perfect solution for you. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Latner, and see for yourself how easy it can be to transform your smile with porcelain veneers. Our West Los Angeles, CA dental practice proudly services men and women from throughout the surrounding areas, including Venice, Marina Del Rey, Rancho Park, Mar Vista, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Brentwood, and beyond.