Reclaim Your Smile with Implant-Supported Dentures

May 17, 2012

If you’ve had trouble adjusting to your dentures, you’re not alone. For many, traditional dentures are uncomfortable and make speaking difficult. And while they may restore your appearance for awhile, they ultimately can’t prevent you from losing more bone mass in your jaw over time.

That’s why, if you live in the Los Angeles area, you should consider implant-supported dentures from Westside Dental Associates. With implant-supported dentures, you can reclaim your quality of life and your winning smile!

What Makes Implant-Supported Dentures Different?

Whereas traditional dentures rely on suction or adhesives, implant-support dentures are anchored by dental implants. That means they come in two parts. What your friends and family will see are your beautiful, natural-looking dentures. What they won’t see are the dental implants anchoring them.

Dental implants are made from a biocompatible metal that works with your existing bone tissue to creating a firm foundation for your dentures. It’s this strong foundation that gives implant-supported dentures their advantage over traditional dentures.

But as great as implant-supported dentures, not every patient is a candidate for dental implants. Which is why, if you live in Los Angeles and have been considering implant-supported dentures, you should call us today. We’d be happy to schedule a consultation visit for you with Dr. Latner. During your appointment, Dr. Latner will be able answer all your questions, in addition to performing a thorough oral exam and making a recommendation about what service is most right for you.

Are you ready to improve your quality of life? Call us today! We can’t wait to help you smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Los Angeles

May 10, 2012

More than anything, when you’re out and about, you want to project an aura of confidence and success. But sometimes, how your teeth look can keep you from achieving that level of self-confidence. Don’t you wish there was a way you could transform your smile and take your self-esteem to new heights?

There is!

Thanks to our range of popular and effective cosmetic dentistry services, our Los Angeles patients can finally have the dazzling smile they deserve. Dr. Latner’s cosmetic dentistry services include:

With each of these services, Dr. Latner can bring you closer to your goal a beautiful, striking smile.

But, you may be wondering, which one is right for you?

The good news is that most cosmetic dentistry services will work with most patients. But that doesn’t mean you should just choose any service. During a consultation visit, Dr. Latner will talk with you about what you want from your image. Perhaps beauty is your primary goal. Or maybe you just want to turn back the clock on your appearance.

Whatever your goal, we hope you’ll choose Dr. Latner for all your cosmetic dentistry needs. Call us today to schedule your consultation. We provide excellent cosmetic dentistry to discerning patients in the Los Angeles area and beyond.

Achieve a New Level of Calm with Sedation Dentistry from Westside Dental Associates

May 3, 2012

Have you ever put off important dental care because of fear, anxiety, stress or physical discomfort? At Westside Dental Associates, we don’t want anything to stand between you and a healthy smile.

If anxiety or pain is standing in your way, Dr. Latner would like you to know we can help. Safe and effective oral conscious sedation makes it possible for patients to feel relaxed and at peace while receiving the care their smile needs.

What Is Oral Conscious Sedation?

Oral conscious sedation uses a combination of nitrous oxide and a mild oral sedative. With these combined, patients who have felt restless or anxious in the past can achieve a level of calm that may have seemed impossible in the past

How Does Oral Conscious Sedation Work?

If you’ve chosen to use oral conscious sedation for your procedure, Dr. Latner will prescribe a mild oral sedative for you to take prior to your next appointment. Then, once the sedative has taken effect, Dr. Latner will administer nitrous oxide to enhance the soothing effects of your pill.

While you’re sedated, Dr. Latner will be able to complete hours of dental work while you relax in our Los Angeles office without you even noticing the passage of time. Some patients even become so relaxed that they fall asleep.

Want to learn more about sedation dentistry? Call Dr. Latner’s Los Angeles office to schedule a consultation appointment. During your appointment, we’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have about sedation dentistry or any of our other services. We look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Latner Creates Dazzling Smiles with Zoom! Whitening

April 9, 2012

If you’ve ever dreamed of a whiter smile, you may have tried to make your dream a reality with over-the-counter whitening products. Over-the-counter whitening  products rarely produce the kind of stunning results you’re looking for, though. That’s why, at Dr. Latner’s Los Angeles office, we offer Zoom! Whitening. With Zoom! patients can get a dazzling, confident look that brightens their smile by close to 10 shades.

What’s more, patients have two convenient options to choose from—in-office teeth whitening and take-home teeth whitening.

The advantage of in-office whitening is that it lets patients get their teeth at their brightest in just one hour. This is especially good news if you’ve got a special event coming up, like a wedding or a job search.

Take-home whitening, can be done in the privacy of your own home and is especially good for patients who’ve experience sensitivity with in-office teeth whitening. Plus, take-home whitening is also good for touching up your smile and keeping it white weeks and months after in-office treatment.

Would you like to find out more about how teeth whitening can change your smile and improve your confidence? Call Dr. Latner’s Los Angeles office today to schedule an appointment with us. Dr. Latner would be happy to answer your questions and help you get started on your way to a brighter, more confident smile.

Meeting the General Dentistry Needs of Patients from Los Angeles

April 2, 2012

We applaud anyone with regular brushing and flossing routine. But not even the best at-home regiment can get a smile as clean as it needs to be. It takes a trained eye and special tools, like the kind Dr. Latner and our team at Westside Dental Associates use, to really get a smile at its cleanest.

That’s why we recommend that patients see us every six months. While you’re in our office, Dr. Latner will check your smile signs of gum disease and tooth decay, in addition to signs of teeth grinding, TMJ dysfunction, and even oral cancer. Letting us keep a close eye on these things helps you give you the most personalized care possible. If we find anything, we can immediately begin working on a treatment plan that’s based on your medical history and is most right for you.

Not sure what services we offer? Explore our website to find out more about what we offer. And if you’re ready to schedule an appointment with us, just call our Los Angeles office today at (310) 477-1081. Dr. Latner would be happy to answer your questions and do everything possible to help you achieve optimal oral health.

Dr. Latner Restores Functionality and Appearance with Dental Implants

March 26, 2012

When you lose a tooth due to accident, injury, or tooth decay, you may feel self-conscious about your smile. Traditional options like crowns, bridges, and dentures can help you restore your smile’s appearance. What they can’t replace is your missing root.

That’s why, at Dr. Latner’s Los Angeles office, we offer dental implants as one of our restorative dentistry options.

Why is replacing a missing root so important?

Because your tooth roots stimulate the growth of new bone tissue, keeping your jaw strong. Without your root, your jaw can begin to atrophy and further tooth loss can occur. Dental implants prevent this by replacing your missing root with a prosthetic root made from biocompatible titanium.

What’s more, dental implants can be combined with crowns, bridge, and dentures, providing more natural results than just these traditional solutions by themselves.

Not every patient is a candidate for dental implants, though. Which is why, if you’ve been considering dental implants as a solution for your smile, a consultation visit with Dr. Latner at our Los Angeles office is a must. As a result of this visit, we’ll be able to suggest a treatment that works best for you.

Call Westside Dental Associates today to schedule an appointment with us. We serve patients from all throughout Los Angeles.

Pediatric Dentistry for Young Patients in Los Angeles

March 19, 2012

If you have a young son or daughter and live in Los Angeles, one of the key questions on your mind might be, “When should I start bringing my child in for regular checkups?” The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that all children see a dentist around their first birthday, or by the time they have their first tooth.

Your child’s visit with Dr. Latner will consist of a simple exam and cleaning. What Dr. Latner wants to make sure of, more than anything, is that your child’s smile is developing as it should. We’ll also use your child’s first visit to begin teaching him or her about the basics of brushing and flossing.

Teaching your child to brush and floss isn’t something Dr. Latner can do alone, though. It’ll take the both of us to help your little one develop the kinds of healthy habits that will help them build a strong, health smile.

Are you ready to bring your son or daughter in to Westside Dental Associates for their first visit? Our entire team is ready to help. We understand that you have to treat a child’s smile just a little bit differently and have the experience to help him or her get started down a road that will help them lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

Call us today. And to learn more about how we can help, visit our pediatric dentistry page. We serve patients of all ages from all throughout Los Angeles.

Straighter Smiles and Better Confidence with Invisalign and Westside Dental Associates

February 28, 2012

If you’re an adult with a misaligned smile, the thought of straightening your teeth with traditional braces may make you nervous. You’ve worked hard to cultivate a professional image. The last thing you want to do is spend the next few years tied to brackets and wires.

Thankfully, Westside Dental Associates has a cosmetic dentistry solution that can help.

With FDA-approved Invisalign clear braces, it’s possible to straighten your smile discreetly, without jeopardizing your professional appearance, because Invisalign is an “invisible” cosmetic solution for straightening your smile.

Here’s how Invisalign works: During your first appointment with us, Dr. Latner will use 3D computer imaging to create a treatment plan for you. Then, using that information, Invisalign will craft a series of aligners designed to bring your teeth into their ideal alignment over the course of your treatment. There’s absolutely nothing to tighten. Instead, you’ll just need to move to the next pair of aligners at the appointed time.

And what’s more, because Invisalign’s aligners are removable, you can take them out to eat and drink, and before you brush and floss. You can even take them out for special events, like a date, an important meeting, or a long-anticipated family event like a wedding or a reunion.

This kind of convenience and freedom just isn’t possible with traditional bracket-and-wire braces.

Are you ready to find out more about Invisalign clear braces, or one of our other cosmetic dentistry services? Call Westside Dental Associates today to schedule a consultation visit, or take a look at our cosmetic dentistry page. Dr. Latner and our team have the expertise and the experience to give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Reenergize Your Smile with a Smile Makeover from Westside Dental Associates

February 14, 2012

You want to look and feel your best, but you’re nervous about showing the world your smile. At Westside Dental Associates, we understand these fears and can help.

Dr. Latner is a cosmetic dentist and one of the few accredited members of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. And to help patients have the brightest, most dazzling smiles possible, our Los Angeles dental office features four great cosmetic procedures: porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, Invisalign clear braces, and cosmetic bonding. With any of these services combined, you can finally have the smile makeover you’ve always dreamed of.

Our Cosmetic Dentistry Services

Patients who wish they had a brighter smile will be happy to know that our Los Angeles office has two options. With both in-office Zoom! and take-home teeth whitening options, we can ensure reliable and long-lasting results that will improve self-confidence by whitening teeth by 6-10 shades.

For patients whose greatest concern might be misaligned teeth, two options may help: porcelain veneers and Invisalign clear braces. Each one meets a different need but both can help patients restore the appearance of their smile by creating straighter, more confident smiles.

Porcelain veneers can also help patients who have teeth that are cracked, chipped, misshapen, or oddly spaced. By covering them with durable, natural-looking porcelain veneers (or single-visit cosmetic bonding), Dr. Latner can restore both patient confidence and appearance.

Do you want to find out more about how Westside Dental Associates can transform your smile? Call us today to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Latner. We’d be happy to discuss all your options with you at our Los Angeles dental office and recommend a treatment for you.

Dazzle Your Friends and Family with a Whiter Smile from Westside Dental Associates

February 10, 2012

When you feel confident about your teeth, you feel more confident about sharing your smile with others. But if you have stained teeth, smiling may be the last thing on your mind.

Teeth stains have a variety of causes. Chief among them are tobacco smoking, aging, and drinks like coffee, tea, soda, or red wine. Certain medications like tetracycline can even contribute to the formation of stains.

You don’t have to live with teeth stains, though. General, restorative, and cosmetic dentist Dr. Latner provides teeth whitening services for patients in Los Angeles and surrounding areas through Zoom! Whitening.

With Zoom! Whitening, patients can enjoy a smile that’s as much as 6 to 10 shades brighter, and all after just a single one-hour visit to Westside Dental Associates. And with occasional touch-ups with your custom-fitted take-home trays, it’s possible for patients to enjoy their dazzling smile indefinitely. In addition to supplying you with custom-fitted trays, Dr. Latner will also give you a supply of professional whitening gel, and all the information you’ll need in order to touch-up your smile on your own time and in your own home.

Find out more about teeth whitening from Westside Dental Associates, Dr. Latner, and Zoom! Whitening by scheduling an appointment with our Los Angeles dental office.  You can also see our other cosmetic dentistry services by visiting our cosmetic dentistry page.

We can help you have a smile you can feel confident about and will want to share with others. Call us today!

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