Meeting the General Dentistry Needs of Patients from Los Angeles

April 2, 2012

We applaud anyone with regular brushing and flossing routine. But not even the best at-home regiment can get a smile as clean as it needs to be. It takes a trained eye and special tools, like the kind Dr. Latner and our team at Westside Dental Associates use, to really get a smile at its cleanest.

That’s why we recommend that patients see us every six months. While you’re in our office, Dr. Latner will check your smile signs of gum disease and tooth decay, in addition to signs of teeth grinding, TMJ dysfunction, and even oral cancer. Letting us keep a close eye on these things helps you give you the most personalized care possible. If we find anything, we can immediately begin working on a treatment plan that’s based on your medical history and is most right for you.

Not sure what services we offer? Explore our website to find out more about what we offer. And if you’re ready to schedule an appointment with us, just call our Los Angeles office today at (310) 477-1081. Dr. Latner would be happy to answer your questions and do everything possible to help you achieve optimal oral health.