What Is Root Canal Therapy?

April 25, 2013

In most cases, when dental care is needed, it’s the protective outer layer of enamel that’s being treated. In some cases, though, the inner pulp, commonly referred to as the “nerve,” needs special attention. This is typically the case after an injury or tooth fracture, or because of a deep cavity. In any of these cases, the tooth could develop an infection. If left untreated, the infection will kill the pulp, putting the tooth in danger of being lost.

To prevent this, it’s important to see your local dentist early. That’s because a tooth in danger of getting infected can be saved with a service known as a root canal.

For many, the words root canal may inspire anxiety, but today’s advances in technology and technique have made the process more comfortable, especially when paired with oral conscious sedation. With oral conscious sedation, patients of different ages and backgrounds can experience a soothing level of relaxation. What’s more, a root canal procedure can be completed in just one appointment.

Here’s what you can expect.

Once you’re comfortable and your sedation has taken effect, your doctor will clean out the canal in question and fill it with a biologically-inert substance. Then, the tooth will be sealed with a crown to prevent another infection in the future.

For patients who feel sore following their root canal, over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol or Advil can help. It’s also important, following a root canal, to make regular checkups, plus daily brushing and flossing, a routine part of your life.

Do you need to schedule a root canal procedure? Call us today to reserve a consultation appointment.

More Comfort and Convenience with Air Abrasion

April 11, 2013

Next to local anesthetic, the drill is one of the most dreaded tools of dentistry. Today, though, dentists like Dr. Latner of Westside Dental Associates can provide important care without always relying on a needle or a drill. Using a contemporary tool like air abrasion, our Los Angeles patients can enjoy a more comfortable visit that also leaves more of their natural smile intact.

Air abrasion is a drilling alternative that uses a high-powered stream of air or powder to remove small amounts of decay from back teeth. Because of this, no drilling and no needles are necessary.

After Dr. Latner has used his air abrasion tool to remove decay, a white filling can easily be bonded in place. Our team at Westside Dental Associates favors white fillings for their resiliency and their appearance. With a white filling, our Los Angeles patients can enjoy results that look natural.

Do you want to learn more about how air abrasion is making dental visits more comfortable for patients? Dr. Latner would be happy to answer your questions. Call Westside Dental Associates today to reserve an appointment. Our team serves patients from communities all around the Los Angeles area, including Culver City, Mar Vista, Palms, Westwood, and Brentwood.

Restoring Teeth with Inlays and Onlays

April 4, 2013

Our last post focused on all-porcelain crowns and the benefits that come with them. Today, we’d like to focus on two similar but slightly different services: porcelain inlays and onlays.

These restorative services are similar to crowns in that they restore fractured or badly decayed teeth, but they’re also slightly different. Inlays are made to restore that small area between a tooth’s rounded cusps. Onlays, on the other hand, are made to fit over one or more cusps.

Dr. Latner will determine your needs during a consultation appointment as his Los Angeles dental office. Not every situation demands an inlay or onlay, but if your situation does, what you need will depend a lot on the results of your tooth-by-tooth exam.

Based on what Dr. Latner sees, he can design a restoration that will match the shape and size of your existing cavity, fracture, or filling. Our lab will then fabricate your restoration based on an impression of your tooth and any other information Dr. Latner sends. The result will be a natural-looking product that restores your smile’s functionality and encourages you to share your smile with others instead of hiding it.

Do you need help restoring one or more teeth with an inlay or onlay? Call Westside Dental Associates today to reserve an appointment. Dr. Latner serves patients from Los Angeles, West LA, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and surrounding communities.

Diagnosing Cavities Early with DIAGNOdent

February 25, 2013

So far this month we’ve been talking about gum disease and how our Los Angeles team treats it. All of this can be thought of as fitting under the category of preventive dentistry. Through regular visits, we can monitor your smile for signs of gum disease and provide treatment early if we find anything. With more developed cases, Arestin can help you prevent gum disease from affecting your overall health.

Given our recent focus, there’s another preventive service we’d like you to be aware of. It’s a simple device known as DIAGNOdent. Using this tool, Dr. Latner is able to diagnose signs of decay very early on, when it can be hard to see with a traditional visual exam.

The DIAGNOdent device, which was developed by KaVo, uses a handpiece and an audio signal to detect areas of weakness. If anything is found, Dr. Latner can put together a treatment plan immediately.

Catching decay early is an important part of preserving oral health. The more decayed a tooth becomes, the more of your natural smile you’ll lose. At Westside Dental Associates, our goal is to preserve as much of your natural smile as possible for as long as possible. What’s more, when Dr. Latner can catch decay early, treatment is not only smaller, it’s also more comfortable for patients and takes less time.

Call our Los Angeles office to learn more about DIAGNOdent and how we’re using it, or to reserve your next appointment with us.

Treating Gum Disease with Arestin

February 20, 2013

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , , , — Les Latner @ 7:21 am

In our last post, we talked about the connection between your heart and your gums. Today, we’d like to talk about an effective service our Los Angeles dental office is using to treat gum disease. The service is called Arestin.

Arestin is an antibiotic, but it’s not a pill, like other antibiotics. Instead, Arestin is applied directly to the part of your gum line that needs to be treated. Once applied, Arestin’s small particles of medicine go to work right where they’re needed, targeting bacteria. By itself, Arestin cannot be more effective than scaling and root planing (SRP) alone. Combined, Arestin and SRP can deliver dramatic results that greatly improve oral health and well-being.

Not only does this service start working immediately, it keeps working days afterwards. That means you can return to your normal schedule confident in the knowledge that Arestin will keep working after you’ve left Dr. Latner’s Los Angeles office.

To learn more about this great service, visit Arestin’s website or call Dr. Latner’s Los Angeles dental office for a visit. We’re focused on creating healthy, beautiful smile with a comprehensive range of general, cosmetic, and restorative services.

The Connection between Your Heart and Your gums

February 13, 2013

Valentine’s Day is almost here. That means people everywhere will soon have hearts on their minds. But Valentine’s Day isn’t the only heart-related thing about February. It’s also Heart Health Month.

How does that relate to dentistry?

At first glance, it doesn’t seem as if it should. However, some studies have indicated that a common oral health condition like gum disease is not to distantly related to heart disease, among other health conditions. The extent of the connection isn’t entirely understood yet, but just hearing this can force you to think about dentistry in a new way.

The main concern of dentistry is your smile, of course. But when you consider that the plaque and bacteria from around your gums can gain access to the rest of your body through pockets caused by gum disease, you start to see the total-body connection your smile has with the rest of you.

In this light, caring for your smile with regular checkups isn’t just about protecting your teeth—it’s also about supporting your overall health.

Are you concerned about gum disease? In our next post, we’ll look at one of the most effective services available for combating this common disease. For now, call Westside Dental Associates if you’re concerned about your smile. Dr. Latner is proud to serve patients from Los Angeles and beyond with general, cosmetic, and restorative care.

How Old Is the Toothbrush?

January 21, 2013

Even though you use one everyday—or at least you should—you may not have ever thought about how long the toothbrush has been around. It’s hard not to see them as a modern invention. And they are, in a way. The modern toothbrush didn’t come into being until 1938.

But that doesn’t mean that no one brushed their teeth before that. It’s known that people living as far back as 3000 BC cleaned their teeth with frayed twigs. It’s also known that the first bristle toothbrush was invented in 15th century China. All of which means that brushing has been an important part of daily life for centuries, and it continues to be.

Why is brushing important? Because it helps you remove food debris, plus bacteria and plaque, from your teeth and gums. As a result, teeth stay healthy and clean.

Toothbrushes haven’t changed a lot over the years, but that doesn’t mean they will always be the same. As this NPR article points out, companies like Colgate, and even dentists, are looking for ways to make toothbrushes smarter and more effective.

If you have questions about how to brush more effectively, call Westside Dental Associates. Dr. Latner would be happy to answer your questions. We can also give you advice on how to shop for a toothbrush that meets your needs.

The Westside Dental team is happy to help patients from Los Angeles and beyond with a wide variety of oral health questions and services.

Checkup for the Holidays

December 6, 2012

The holiday season is upon us, and will continue all the way until January. If you’ve been neglecting your teeth, this is the perfect time to make a change. Come visit us soon! You’ll leave with a beautiful, healthy smile and all the confidence you need to make a good impression at all your holiday events.

Even if you brush and floss regularly, it’s still important to have regular cleanings. Brushing and flossing alone can’t remove the plaque buildup on teeth that can lead to other problems. Our caring staff is ready to make you feel right at home and address all your needs and concerns.

Regular checkups are important because we also screen your mouth for oral cancer, teeth grinding issues, or gum disease. Staying on top of your regular appointments is the best way to ensure you have healthy teeth, both for the holidays and all year long.

Come make your appointment before the New Year! Start 2013 right, with clean and healthy teeth. Call us today to ensure you can get an appointment.

How long has it been since your last checkup with Dr. Latner and his team at Westside Dental Associates? If it’s been more than six months, give us a call today! At Westside Dental Associates you’ll find that Dr. Latner offers a comprehensive selection of services to meet the preventive, cosmetic, and restorative needs of his Los Angeles-area patients.

Comfortable, Effective Root Canal Therapy

October 23, 2012

Is a severe toothache making it difficult for you to eat? Does drinking hot or cold drinks make you flinch? Have you noticed any swelling in your gums?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may need root canal therapy.

Root canal therapy has a reputation for being unpleasant, but with today’s technology and techniques, that doesn’t have to be the case at all, especially when paired with sedation dentistry.

At Westside Dental Associates in Los Angeles, you’ll find a friendly, experience team ready to help you receive the important care you need to save your tooth, relieve you of your painful symptoms, and improve your oral health.

The purpose of root canal therapy is to help you save your tooth. Because of deep decay or a serious injury, your tooth—and the interior layer in particular—is vulnerable to infection. Root canal therapy, then, is intended to protect the tooth by removing the vulnerable interior pulp.

During root canal therapy, the interior of your tooth will be cleaned and filled with an inert substance. Then, to protect your tooth, it will be capped by a crown, protecting it from harm in the future and restoring your smile’s functionality and health.

If you’re worried that you might need a root canal, call Westside Dental Associates to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Latner. Our office serves patients from all around the Los Angeles area.

Have You Scheduled Your Fall Visit?

October 16, 2012

We’re well into fall by now, which means the holiday season is closer than ever before. Halloween is approaching, and Thanksgiving, Chanukah, and Christmas aren’t far behind. With all of these holidays come special parties and delicious foods. Wouldn’t you like to feel better about enjoying all the season has to offer? With a fall visit at Westside Dental Associates, you can!

Through a checkup and professional cleaning, Dr. Latner can help you understand how your smile is doing. Having a firm grasp of that makes enjoying that second helping of pumpkin pie or that extra Hershey’s Kiss that much more satisfying.

But more than that, by seeing Dr. Latner now you have more time to complete that holiday smile makeover you’ve been dreaming of. With services ranging from porcelain veneers and teeth whitening to dental implants and porcelain crowns, our Los Angeles team can help you create the winning smile you want just in time for upcoming holiday parties.

If you want to go into the holiday season with your smile in great shape, now’s the time to schedule a fall checkup and cleaning with Dr. Latner. Before you know it, the year will be over and so will your remaining dental benefits. Get the most out of them with regular preventive care or the smile makeover you’ve always wanted.

We’re ready to help. Call us today!

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