Dentist in Los Angeles Says Straight Teeth Mean Better Health

May 5, 2016

dentist in los angelesWhen you think about the reasons for straightening your crowded, gapped or otherwise misaligned teeth, you’re probably just thinking about the cosmetic benefits of a more beautiful smile. But your dentist in Los Angeles, Dr. Les Latner, wants you to know that a properly-aligned bite does far more than help you look better — it also improves your overall health. How? Keep reading to find out!


A Brighter Smile Goes the Extra Mile

June 10, 2013

A Brighter Smile Goes the Extra Mile – Teeth WhitenDr. Latner DIAGNOdent Los Angelesing with Les Latner

During a first date or job interviews, first impressions are everything. Not just in your demeanor, but appearance as well. In the first few seconds of meeting someone, that person will formulate an opinion of you based on body language. If you want it to be a positive one, you’d be remiss without flashing a smile. Smiling puts others at ease and shows you as a friendly person. Now everyone wants to be the best they can be and you should strive for quality in everything about yourself. So when it comes to a smile, why not make it the best it can be?


A main effect of teeth whitening is a sharp increase in social status, as crazy as that sounds. It boosts a person’s aesthetics, which in turn can lead to success in climbing the corporate ladder and finding Mr. or Mrs. Right. In addition to increasing an outsider’s perceived value of you, it can boost your self-confidence immensely. By having a positive self-image, you’re more likely to step outside your comfort zone, which is usually where success resides. It’s important to note, however, that whitening teeth can have positive effects on a person other than a massive ego boost.

Professional teeth whitening materials can kill the bacteria that cause gum disease as well as those that cause tooth decay, leading to all-around healthier teeth. Gum disease isn’t something to be taken lightly, as it is responsible for receding gums, increased sensitivity to temperature changes and touch, pain, and inflammation. So by taking preventative measures you may just be saving yourself a whole lot of trouble with little effort by taking the time to take care of your smile.

Of course teeth whitening is far from the easiest method of protecting your teeth. In fact it may be the last thing on your mind when it comes to looking after them. Brushing, using mouthwash, even (yikes!) flossing comes to mind before deciding to do it. After whitening, however, you may be more motivated to continue taking care of your mouth. So if you want to take that extra step and look amazing while helping yourself, then teeth whitening is the thing for you! Westside Dental Associates and Les Latner DDS offers this quality service that will not leave you disappointed.