I’ve Had Braces. Is Invisalign Still an Option for Me?

October 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Les Latner @ 5:49 pm
woman smiling with aligner in her hand

Ahh…nothing brings back memories from junior high like braces. Those clunky pieces of metal led to the joy of straighter teeth. Yet, as time has passed, you noticed your teeth have returned to being slightly crooked. It’s natural for them to want to move back to where they were because teeth shifting is a natural part of the aging process. You’d like to have straight teeth again, but the last thing you want to do is to have braces again as an adult. So, is Invisalign an option for you? Your cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles has the answers for you!


Losing Your Invisalign Aligners is Not a Lost Cause: Here’s What to Do!

October 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Les Latner @ 6:01 pm
woman with her hands up in shock

Losing things is a frustrating and sometimes comical part of life. How many times have you had to search for your keys or the television remote? Surveys have found that the things Americans lose the most are the ones they carry around with them:  phones, keys, glasses, wallets, and bags. If you wear Invisalign trays, you are unfortunately at risk of losing those too! If you end up losing your aligners, you may begin to stress about keeping your treatment on track. Your cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles is here to give you the next steps of what to do…and how to prevent future “Invisa-bility” of your aligners.


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