Does the mere thought of visiting the dentist make you squirm? If you have dental fears, you’re far from alone. Millions of people allow their fears to stop them from receiving necessary procedures. However, these people may not be aware that modern dental techniques can lead to a virtually pain-free experience. Your dentist might decide that oral conscious sedation dentistry in Los Angeles for you. What does this involve?
Your Dentist Can Help You Relax!
When you opt for oral conscious sedation, your dentist will administer a mild oral sedative along with nitrous oxide. You might have heard nitrous oxide referred to as “laughing gas” before. When the two drugs come together, they create a relaxed, peaceful feeling in patients. You won’t be unconscious, so you’ll still be able to respond to questions from your dentist.
Sedation dentistry is safe and has helped countless people relax during dental procedures. However, be sure that your dentist has specific training in sedation. You want to put yourself in the hands of an expert like Dr. Les Latner, who has been certified by the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation.
The Oral Conscious Sedation Process
After an initial consultation, your sedation dentist in Los Angeles will determine which level of sedation is right for you. If oral conscious sedation turns out to be the winner, you’ll take a sedative pill before the procedure. The nitrous oxide will be administered next, and then the dental work can begin.
Be sure you have someone available to drive you home from the dentist’s office because you’re going to be groggy for a while after the procedure ends. The effects of the drugs should wear off within 24 hours or so.
Who Is a Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?
Oral conscious sedation is a viable option for most patients who have dental fears. Even if you aren’t afraid of getting your teeth worked on, however, this technique might still be suitable for you. Some other circumstances under which your dentist might recommend conscious sedation include the following:
- You have chronic jaw pain.
- You have physical limitations that make it difficult for you to hold your jaw a certain angle for an extended period of time.
- You have a strong gag reflex.
- Numbing agents are not as effective on you as they should be.
- It is difficult for you to sit still.
Keep in mind, though, that certain medical conditions might bar you from being a candidate for sedation dentistry. Your dentist will talk to you about your circumstances and work with you to find a means of care that is the best fit for your situation.
Oral conscious sedation might be the key to changing the way you think about dental care. It is safe, effective, and suitable for almost anyone who has dentophobia.
About the Author
Dr. Les Latner is a compassionate dental expert who has been serving in SoCal for decades. He uses oral conscious sedation and other techniques to help his patients have a positive experience in his chair. If you have questions about how you can have a relaxing experience at the dentist, contact Westside Dental Associates at 310-477-1081.