Stowing Your Trays: How to Easily Remove Your Clear Aligners

February 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Les Latner @ 11:00 am
A woman trying to remove her clear aligners

So, maybe you’ve recently started an Invisalign treatment. You’re likely pretty happy in that case – your new trays will give you a straight smile after a while! That said, Invisalign does have its unique challenges. One example is how getting the aligners off your teeth can be tricky. Still, your Los Angeles dentist can help out with that latter issue. Read on to learn four helpful ways to remove your clear aligners quickly and easily.

Ensure Your Mouth is Warm

As it turns out, a cold mouth can make an aligner hard to remove. Cooler temperatures cause a tray’s plastic to become less flexible. From there, you’ll have a tougher time loosening the aligner’s grip from your teeth.

Given these facts, wait until your mouth is warm to remove the aligners. You could even speed up the heating process by opening your jaw for a few seconds first. Also, remember to grasp the trays with dry fingers.

Start from the Back

For various reasons, your trays may not budge if you try removing them from the front. The aligners may have a firmer grip on your front teeth, or perhaps they’re slick in that area. Focusing on the frontmost part of your mouth isn’t always the best move.

As an alternative, try taking off your aligners from the back. Position your fingertip on the inside of your back molar and pull the tray away. Then, repeat this step on the other side of your mouth and work your fingertips towards the front. Your tray will then be removed entirely.

Try a Paper Towel

The real issue could be that you don’t have a good grip on the aligners. After all, perhaps your mouth is moist and making your fingers slip a bit. That means you aren’t exerting enough force to get the trays off your teeth.

To get a better grip, grasp the aligner with a thick paper towel. The latter will keep your fingers from slipping and absorb nearby moisture. That way, you can pull on the trays with more force than before. Such a change can make a huge difference.

Use an Aligner Hook

If you didn’t know, there are special tools just for Invisalign trays. These span from soaking solutions and attachments to other items. One of these products could help you remove the aligners.

For instance, consider aligner hooks. Brands like Pul Tools and OrthoKeys are readily available in stores and websites. These items work by hooking under the edge of the tray and lifting it from the tooth. In doing so, they give you a nice grip from which to get the aligners off.

Clearly, you’ll want to know how to remove your clear aligners. With that said, memorize the points above and talk to your dentist to learn other tips.

About the Practice

Westside Dental Associates is based in Los Angeles, CA. Led by Dr. Latner, our practice seeks to provide each patient with truly excellent dentistry. That means we offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, as well as emergency dental care. Our office also prides itself on being a certified provider of Invisalign aligners that straighten teeth. For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (310)-477-1081.

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