Just Had a Tooth Pulled? Your Dentist in Los Angeles Talks Options

April 11, 2018

mouth open showing dental implantYou’ve just had a tooth pulled and have been told that you need to plan on replacing it, but you’re not sure why it’s so important. Furthermore, you’re not clear on what your options are for restoring your teeth and smile to normal. But your dentist in Los Angeles will put an end to any confusion as you continue reading, as he explains the intricate balancing act that goes on inside your mouth and how to maintain a healthy state.

Why is it Important to Replace a Missing Tooth?

Your teeth remain in position through a healthy application of force that they apply to each other. When a tooth is removed, the other ivories continue seeking the tension that they have come to rely upon, so over time your entire set of teeth can move and become misaligned.

Below are two specific problems that can develop from a missing tooth:

  • Tipping – Tension is applied to your teeth in two directions, horizontally and vertically. When the horizontal pressure is missing, the adjacent teeth may begin to shift over time. That involves them tipping over in their search for the tension that the missing tooth is supposed to be providing.
  • Super Eruption – The absence of the vertical pressure can lead to a super eruption, which is when the tooth just above or below the missing tooth extends beyond its roots in search of the tension it needs to sustain its position. This can lead to problems with occlusion (your bite).

Ways to Replace a Missing Tooth

There are two main ways to replace a missing tooth – a crown or dental implant.

Here’s how each works:

  • Crown – The crown is the part of the tooth that is visible from the gum line up. When you have a crown replacement procedure, your dentist will have a tooth-colored ceramic fixture custom-crafted to replace your missing one, holding it in place using your adjacent teeth as abutments (anchors). This is done by cementing the new fixture to the surrounding teeth.
  • Dental Implant – The gold standard for replacing a missing tooth is the dental implant procedure. It involves surgically inserting a titanium post into your jawbone that acts as the missing roots. Instead of your surrounding teeth serving as the abutments, your implant becomes the anchor and a replacement crown is attached to it.

Why is the Dental Implant Better?

The dental implant route is the best method because it will stop the bone degeneration that occurs when you have a missing tooth. It also provides a sturdy foundation that comes the closest to mimicking the natural function of the roots of your teeth. By addressing the problem at the core, this procedure also leaves you with the most natural looking smile, preventing the look of premature aging that comes along with missing teeth over a prolonged period of time.

So the path to your smile restoration is simple with dental implants. Just reach out to your implant dentist in Los Angeles today to schedule a consultation!

About the Author

A graduate of Washington University in St. Louis, Dr. Les Latner has been practicing dentistry for over 30 years. A highly accomplished and award-winning dentist, he is a member of several professional organizations and is a clinical professor at the UCLA School of Dentistry. Dr. Latner practices at Westside Dental Associates and can be reached for more information through his website.